Board Recognizes April Students of the Month

Board Recognizes April Students of the Month

The April 24 Board of Education meeting provided an opportunity for board members to recognize Students of the Month for April. Each received a certificate recognizing his or her accomplishment.

From Cuyahoga Heights Elementary School:

Kennedy Cannon – Pre-K (PM Class)

Kennedy’s teachers say that she exemplifies what it means to be caring, honest, engaged and safe. Kennedy  always has a smile on her face and brightens up any room that she walks into. She is kind to her classmates, staff, and visitors and is always ready to lend a helping hand to clean up in the classroom. She participates fully in academic activities and shows enthusiasm and a willingness to learn every day.

Carter Dunnell – Pre-K (AM Class)

Carter has made a huge transformation from the beginning of the year. He has worked hard and continues to do so each and every day. He has a positive attitude, is ambitious, and treats others kindly. He is fun, caring, helpful, is agreeable when asked to do something, and is overall, a pleasure to be around.  


From Cuyahoga Heights Middle School: 

Alaina Lawrence – Grade 6

Alaina is very enthusiastic and motivated in class. She is a hard worker willing to go above and beyond for her projects. She willingly offers assistance to other students who may need some help with creativity.  

Abram Podoll – Grade 7

“Bram” exemplifies determination in all of his classes. When given a challenge, he approaches it with determination and perseveres to success. He consistently displays an unwavering commitment to his academic growth. His pursuit of excellence serves as an inspiration to both his peers and his teachers. 

Sophia Cann – Grade 8

Sophia has broken out of her "shell" and seems to enjoy her time at school on a daily basis. She has a soft spot for her feline friends at home. As a cat lover, she will share fun pictures of her cats with her friends and teachers. Sophia also has a unique sense of humor. She will be missed as she moves up to the high school next year. 

From Cuyahoga Heights High School: 

Kurtis Van Divner - Grade 9

Kurtis has consistently performed at a high level in Algebra 1 this year. He has a great attitude and willingly participates in all class activities, completes all his assignments, and scores near the top of the class on every assessment.  He is a pleasure to have in class.

Lillian Nichols - Grade 10

Lillian brings a smile and a great attitude to class everyday. She works hard to understand concepts and is willing to ask questions which benefits all the students in the class. She is a major asset to the Algebra 1B class.

 Zach Unger - Grade 11

Zach is kind, friendly, respectful, and polite. He sets a good example for other students. His involvement in three sports, football (receiver/free safety), basketball (forward), and track (hurdles/high jump), illustrates his dedication and teamwork skills. His commitment to both athletics and academics serves as an inspiration to us all. 

Mas Chieffallo – Grade 12

Mas brings incredible energy to class. He is always enthusiastic and funny, even when he is working on challenging material. His high-spiritedness is why his peers always look to him to pick up the mood of the room.

Picture #1: Kennedy

Picture #2: Carter
